Dungeons and Dragons Medusa 3.5 PBP RPG

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Medium Monstrous Humanoid

Hit Dice:

6d8+6 (33 hp)




30 ft. (6 squares)

Armor Class:

15 (+2 Dex, +3 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 13

Base Attack/Grapple:



Shortbow +8 ranged (1d6/x3) or dagger +8 melee (1d4/19-20) or snakes +8 melee (1d4 plus poison)

Full Attack:

Shortbow +8/+3 ranged (1d6/x3); or dagger +8/+3 melee (1d4/19-20) and snakes +3 melee (1d4 plus poison)


5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks:

Petrifying gaze, poison

Special Qualities:

Darkvision 60 ft.


Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +6


Str 10, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 15


Bluff +9, Diplomacy +4, Disguise +9 (+11 acting), Intimidate +4, Move Silently +8, Spot +8


Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Weapon Finesse


Temperate marshes


Solitary or covey (2-4)

Challenge Rating:



Double standard


Usually lawful evil


By character class

Level Adjustment:


A medusa is indistinguishable from a normal human at distances greater than 30 feet (or closer, if its face is concealed). The creature often wears garments that enhance its body while hiding its face behind a hood or veil.

A typical medusa is 5 to 6 feet tall and about the same weight as a human.

Medusas speak Common.


A medusa tries to disguise its true nature until the intended victim is within range of its petrifying gaze, using subterfuge and bluffing games to convince the target that there is no danger. It uses normal weapons to attack those who avert their eyes or survive its gaze, while its poisonous snakes strike at adjacent opponents.

Petrifying Gaze (Su): Turn to stone permanently, 30 feet, Fortitude DC 15 negates. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Poison (Ex): Injury, Fortitude DC 14, initial damage 1d6 Str, secondary damage 2d6 Str. The save DC is Constitution-based.

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