Ghoul |
Ghast |
2d12 (13 hp) |
4d12+3 (29 hp) |
+2 |
+3 |
30 ft. (6 squares) |
30 ft. (6 squares) |
14 (+2 Dex, +2 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 12 |
17 (+3 Dex, +4 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 14 |
+1/+2 |
+2/+5 |
Bite +2 melee (1d6+1 plus paralysis) |
Bite +5 melee (1d8+3 plus paralysis) |
Bite +2 melee (1d6+1 plus paralysis) and 2 claws +0 melee (1d3 plus paralysis) |
Bite +5 melee (1d8+3 plus paralysis) and 2 claws +3 melee (1d4+1 plus paralysis) |
5 ft./5 ft. |
5 ft./5 ft. |
Ghoul fever, paralyis, stench |
Darkvision 60 ft., undead traits, +2 turn resistance |
Darkvision 60 ft., undead traits, +2 turn resistance |
Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +5 |
Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +6 |
Str 13, Dex 15, Con -, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 12 |
Str 17, Dex 17, Con -, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 16 |
Balance +6, Climb +5, Hide +6, Jump +5, Move Silently +6, Spot +7 |
Balance +7, Climb +9, Hide +8, Jump +9, Move Silently +8, Spot +8 |
Any (Lacedon: Any aquatic) | Any |
Solitary, gang (2-4), or pack (7-12) |
Solitary, gang (2-4), or pack (2-4 plus 7-12 ghouls) |
1 |
3 |
None |
Standard |
Always chaotic evil |
Always chaotic evil |
3 HD (Medium) |
5-8 HD (Medium) |
- |
- |
Ghouls speak the languages they spoke in life (usually Common).
Ghouls try to attack with surprise whenever possible. They strike from behind tombstones and burst from shallow graves.
Ghoul Fever (Su): Disease-bite, Fortitude DC 12, incubation period 1 day, damage 1d3 Con and 1d3 Dex. The save DC is Charisma-based.
An afflicted humanoid who dies of ghoul fever rises as a ghoul at the next midnight. A humanoid who becomes a ghoul in this way retains none of the abilities it possessed in life. It is not under the control of any other ghouls, but it hungers for the flesh of the living and behaves like a normal ghoul in all respects. A humanoid of 4 Hit Dice or more rises as a ghast, not a ghoul.
These cousins of the ghoul have the aquatic subtype. They lurk near hidden reefs or other places where ships are likely to meet their end. They have a base land speed of 30 feet and a swim speed of 30 feet and are found only in aquatic environments.
Although these creatures look just like their lesser kin, they are far more deadly and cunning.
Ghoul Fever (Su): Disease-bite, Fortitude DC 15, incubation period 1 day, damage 1d3 Con and 1d3 Dex. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Paralysis (Ex): Those hit by a ghast's bite or claw attack must succeed on a DC 15 Fortitude save or be paralyzed for 1d4+1 rounds. Even elves can be affected by this paralysis. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Stench (Ex): The stink of death and corruption surrounding these creatures is overwhelming. Living creatures within 10 feet must succeed on a DC 15 Fortitude save or be sickened for 1d6+4 minutes. A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected again by the same ghast's stench for 24 hours. A delay poison or neutralize poison spell removes the effect from a sickened creature. Creatures with immunity to poison are unaffected, and creatures resistant to poison receive their normal bonus on their saving throws. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Dungeons and Dragons Ghoul - D&D 3.5 PBP RPG
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