+2 Dexterity, -2 Strength
Medium: As Medium creatures, xephs have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Xeph base land speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision out to 60 feet.
+1 racial bonus on saving throws against powers, spells, and spell-like effects. Xephs have an innate resistance to psionics and magic.
Naturally Psionic: Xephs gain 1 bonus power point at 1st level. This benefit does not grant them the ability to manifest powers unless they gain that ability through another source, such as levels in a psionic class.
Burst (Su): Three times per day, a xeph can put on a burst of speed to increase her speed by 10 feet, plus 10 feet per four character levels beyond 1st, to a maximum increase of 30 feet at 9th character level and higher. These bursts of speed are considered a competence bonus to the xeph's base speed. A burst of speed lasts 3 rounds.
Automatic Languages: Common, Xeph. Bonus Languages: Draconic, Elven, Gnoll, Goblin, Halfling, Sylvan.
Favored Class: Soulknife.
Dungeons and Dragons Xephs - D&D 3.5 PBP RPG
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